The update for Apple AirPods

Refers to Apple’s Fall Event,the hot spot is that Apple decided to cancel to offer wired headphone and charger.As what Apple mentioned during the event,they cancelled this in view of the concept of environmental protectionm.Iphone 12 is made of renewable and recyclable materials,and remove harmful chemicals.

Further more,there are too many accessories like these in the market already.The lightning wired headphone are already over 7 hundred million sets, to avoid the use of the corresponding materials, thereby reducing carbon emissions.The size of the package box is smaller makes larger carryings, which Apple could further reduce carbon emissions in the global logistics chain.That is really a fanstic movement.


Besides the environmental dimension,they cancel to offer free wired earbuds,which is a very change for AirPods after Iphone 7 removing 3.5mm connector.This makes bigger development for Airpods,and It will also effectively promote the development of the whole bluetooth earbud market.


Let us wait for new change for Bluetooth products.
